Can breed once per breeding period.
Type: Breeding
Bee Attractor
Attracts bees to the breeding board.
Type: Breeding
Can breed twice per breeding period.
Type: Breeding
Attacks can inflict burns.
Type: Combat
Butterfly Attractor
Attracts butterflies to the breeding board.
Type: Breeding
Dark Struggle
Struggles in shade conditions, taking extra damage from Umbra attacks.
Type: Combat
Dark Thrive
Thrives in shade conditions, absorbing some damage from Umbra attacks.
Type: Combat
Dark Tolerant
Tolerates shade conditions, taking less damage from Umbra attacks.
Type: Combat
Clutches contain groups of either male or female creatures.
Type: Breeding
Fire Struggle
Struggles in hot conditions, taking extra damage from Pyro attacks.
Type: Combat
Fire Thrive
Thrives in hot conditions, absorbing some damage from Pyro attacks.
Type: Combat
Fire Tolerant
Tolerates hot conditions, taking less damage from Pyro attacks.
Type: Combat
Attacks can inflict freezing.
Type: Combat
Clutches contain a mixed group of female and bisexual creatures.
Type: Breeding
Hummingbird Attractor
Attracts hummingbirds to the breeding board.
Type: Breeding
Ice Struggle
Struggles in cold conditions, taking extra damage from Glace attacks.
Type: Combat
Ice Thrive
Thrives in cold conditions, absorbing some damage from Glace attacks.
Type: Combat
Ice Tolerant
Tolerates cold conditions, taking less damage from Glace attacks.
Type: Combat
Has larger clutches than normal.
Type: Breeding
Light Struggle
Struggles in sunny conditions, taking extra damage from Illume attacks.
Type: Combat
Light Thrive
Thrives in sunny conditions, absorbing some damage from Illume attacks.
Type: Combat
Light Tolerant
Tolerates sunny conditions, taking less damage from Illume attacks.
Type: Combat
Clutches contain mixed groups of male and female creatures.
Type: Breeding
Can breed up to five times per breeding period.
Type: Breeding
Clutches consist solely of bisexual creatures.
Type: Breeding
Absorbs all damage from Illume attacks.
Type: Combat
Is male when a baby or child but female when an adolescent or adult.
Type: Breeding
Attacks can inflict poison.
Type: Combat
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